Event Start Date
July 20, 2003 9:00 AM
Event End Date
July 20, 2003 5:00 PM
Registration form
Registration Deadline
US Open Shuaijiao Regional
at 19th Chinese American Athletic Tournament 2003
Some results from the event:
Women's Open
1st Diana Lin
2nd Llic, Una
3rd Bigelow, Angie
Men's Division
135 and under
1st Jonathan Shih
2nd Shigero Isoda
1st Tan, Justin
2nd Corbett, Matthew
3rd Hall, Eric
1st Cliff, Daniel
2nd Masi, Nick
3rd Koswara, Andy
1st Martin, Matt
2nd Iwasaki, Kenichi
3rd Ng, Alban
Open Weight:
1st Weng, She-Peng
2nd Cliff, Daniel
3rd Koswara, Andy
Non Black
1st Fraser, James
2nd Masi, Nick
3rd Hall, Eric