Event Start Date
December 17, 2004 8:00 AM
Event End Date
December 19, 2004 5:00 PM
(click here for map)Registration form
Registration Deadline
In December 2004 the Shuai Chiao International was held in Tianjin, China. The US Team arrived in Tianjin on the 15 of December. The tournament started on the 17th and ran until the 19th . The US team included Dr. Daniel Weng and Jan-yu Weng as coach and manager and Eric Brooks, Daniel Cliff, Nick Masi, Willie Theunissen and James van Doren. The tournament was very well organized and attended by 16 countries including China, Mongolia, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Korea and the United States.
China and Mongolia dominated the proceedings and entered 6 and 2 teams respectively with 2 persons in each weight class.